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In Finland, snowmobiling is possible on official snowmobile routes and on snowmobile tracks maintained by municipalities and Metsähallitus. Late winter and early spring are the best times for taking your snowmobile out for a spin. If you are not familiar with snowmobiling in Finland, guided trips are recommended.

The official snowmobile routes are roads as defined in the Road Traffic Act and their use is thus free of charge. These routes are intended specifically for snowmobile traffic.

The snowmobile tracks of Metsähallitus are unofficial routes and driving on them requires either a personal or family snowmobile track permit, which is issued by Metsähallitus. This permit can be easily purchased online, by phone or at Metsähallitus service points. This permit allows you to drive your snowmobile on all the tracks you can find on the Metsähallitus track charts. Please note that the track permit is free of charge for snowmobile drivers who drive in their municipality of residence.

The total length of all snowmobile routes in the country is nearly 20 000 km, approximately 3 500 of which are tracks maintained by Metsähallitus. There are often comfortable campfire sites and other spots for taking a short break along the tracks, in addition to many other services.

Freeride, i.e. snowmobiling in deep snow, is allowed in specific state-owned areas. Track permit is required. Information about freeride possibilites is available in (unfortunately only in Finnish).

Track permit

In order to use the snowmobile tracks maintained by Metsähallitus, you need a snowmobile track permit. This track permit grants you the right to use all of Metsähallitus' snowmobile tracks in Finland.

One season permit grants the same right to all family members. 


Personal track permit

  • €10 / 3 h 
  • €17 / day 
  • €35 / week 
  • €60 / season (valid throughout the snowmobile season, from 1 October to 30 May) 

Family permit

When you purchase a personal track permit for the entire season, it also extends to the other members of your family. In this context, a family consists of parents and children under 18 years of age who live in the same household. Please note that a snowmobile may be operated in terrain by a person who is at least 15 years of age. 

In order to facilitate supervision, the names of the family members who use the permit are usually written on the permit when it is purchased from a service point or a service number.


You can buy track permits online and pay using the most common payment methods.
Go to webshop (

Eräluvat mobile app

With the Eräluvat app, you can purchase track permits easily and quickly. You can pay with a debit or credit card. Read the instructions for using the app.

SERVICE NUMBER: +358 20 69 2424

Track permits may also be purchased by phone. The service is open on weekdays from 9 AM to 3 PM.


You may also purchase the track permit from Metsähallitus' customer service points and many third party permit vendors.


As of 1 January 2020, mobile permits are no longer available. This is due to mobile network operator’s decision not to provide the current service anymore.

Terms of the track permit

  • A track permit grants its holder the right to drive a snowmobile or other motor vehicle fitted with tracks or runners, and with an unladen weight which does not exceed 800 kg, on marked snowmobile tracks within the areas controlled by Metsähallitus in all parts of Finland during the snow-covered period when there is snow cover of 20 cm or more.
  • The permit is personal and only applies to the persons listed on the permit. A track permit purchased for the entire season also functions as a family permit. In this context, a family consists of parents and children under 18 years of age who live in the same household. In the event that family members are not listed on the permit, the permit holder must be able to prove to the wilderness supervisor within a deadline that his/her family has a valid season/family permit.
  • The permit only becomes valid when it is paid for. The permit holder must keep the permit and receipt of its payment with him/her when driving in terrain and he/she must present them to an authorised wilderness supervisor if requested to do so. 
  • The used motor vehicle must have valid vehicle insurance. The permit holder must compensate for any damages that he/she or his/her vehicle causes to Metsähallitus or a third party. The permit holder is obligated to report any damage he/she causes. 
  • Traversing in the areas the track permit grants access to is done at the driver's own risk. 
  • This permit can be immediately cancelled if the permit holder violates the permit terms or fails to comply with the rules and regulations of off-road traffic. 
  • In accordance with Section 22 of the Act on Metsähallitus, a person who is dissatisfied with a decision to cancel a permit may seek rectification from Metsähallitus within 30 days of being informed of the decision. This deadline is counted from the day the decision is given to the permit holder. The decision and the appeal form may be obtained from Metsähallitus.
  • If the track permit’s validity extends into 2023, the following must be taken into account: the track permit will be valid after 2022 if at that time there is a valid quota decision for off-road traffic for 2023–2025. The quota decision can be checked here: (in Finnish).