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Fishing and hunting experiences in Finland

The waters and lands owned by the Finnish state are there for you to use. Metsähallitus ensures that people who would otherwise not have access to wilderness opportunities may also enjoy them. The game and fisheries staff manages hunting, fishing and off-road traffic in state-owned areas on a sustainable basis, and our game and fisheries wardens supervise all wilderness activities on state-owned lands. When you purchase a wilderness permit, you invest in Finnish nature; the proceeds are used to benefit the environment.

Erä web service offers you fishing, hunting and off-road traffic permits for state-owned areas. You can also pay the national fisheries management fee.


Wilderness crime was on the rise


Last year, there were more instances of fishing without a permit and more use of illegal means of hunting large predators, reveals the wilderness supervision report published today by Metsähallitus. Wilderness supervision inspected nearly 7,000 people during the year. The inspections resulted in 520 measures: 57 cases were referred for pre-trial investigation and 463 resulted in more lenient measures.