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Rental hut


Number of beds
2 beds
Size (in square metres)
26 m2
Rantatie 131, 83960 Koli
Euref-Fin (~ WGS84) lat: 63° 01.6867' lon: 29° 56.2499' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6992117 E: 648610

The pretty Soikkeli rental hut (1 room, cold vestibule) for two is located in a quiet place near Vesivaara in Koli National Park. There is a campfire site for tenants only in the middle of a meadow near the Soikkeli hut. A 600-metre offshoot leads to the hut from the Herajärven kierros Trail.

A rental hut is a place for an overnight stay that can be rented for only your use.

Map files and brochures
Terms of reservation for huts


The reservation day for reservable and rental huts begins at 2 pm and end at 12 noon.

Bring along your invoice and proof of payment to the hut.

Available for rent 15th May–30th September. No reservations longer than one week at a time.

Rental hut

Price list 15.5.–9.6.2025

Duration44,00 €

Price list 10.6.–25.8.2025

Duration52,00 €

Price list 26.8.2025–

Duration44,00 €
February 2025

Basic details of the destination

Koli National Park, Herajärven kierros Trail, Kiehisen kierros Trail
Wood-burning baking oven, wood-burning stove
Gas stove
Drinking water
Must be brought yourself
Dry toilet
Staying overnight
Bed, blankets, mattresses, pillows

What's new

Arrival instructions


  • Soikkeli is located in the southern part of the Koli National Park on the slope of the hill. The walking distance from the Rantatie road to the hut along the footpath is roughly 300 m. Turusenaho at the intersection of Herajärven kierros Trail is approximately 600 metres away from Soikkeli.

Driving instructions

  • From Koli Nature Centre Ukko, drive downwards along Ylä-Kolintie road for 2 km and turn right towards the Koli village. Distance from the Nature Centre to the Koli village is altogether 3,6 km. When you reach the village, turn right onto Merilänrannantie towards Loma-Koli and drive for roughly 1 km, then turn right onto Rantatie road and continue for another 1 km until you reach the harbor. After Koli Harbour, continue south along Rantatie and Vesivaarantie for roughly 12 km.

  • You can park your car at the lay-by at the crossing of the road and path. Take the track to the left and walk for 300 metres, until you arrive at the Soikkeli Hut.

  • Read more about the area and more detailed arrival instructions on Nationalparks.fi.


  • Outdoor dry toilet, a firewood shed and a campfire place.

  • Camping in the yard is prohibited.


The key is in a key code box on the hut wall. The box is protected with a code. Instructions and the code are sent to you by e-mail after the payment.

Take lock de-icer with you just in case the box's lid is stuck due to frost. Metsähallitus does not have maintenance on site.

Always keep the keys inside the key box, so they won’t get lost or locked inside the hut.


Heating and lighting

  • The hut has a traditional wood-burning baking oven and firewood for heating. Please use firewood sparingly. Please note that it takes some time before the hut is properly warm.

  • In rainy weather and during low pressure, smoke will not exit the fireplaces properly. The fireplace may then smoke up the hut. It is a good idea to preheat the fireplace so that smoke exits properly. Check the heating instructions in the hut folder.

  • The hut has solar panel powered lights and charging facility (USB socket).

  • We recommend using a headlamp, which leaves your hands free to do chores around the hut. For safety reasons, candles must be burned on a non-combustible surface and constantly monitored.


Gas stove, kettles, frying pan and tableware.

Drinking water

  • There is no running water in the hut.

  • Visitors must bring enough drinking and domestic water to the hut.

  • It is also possible get clean drinking water from Koli Nature Centre Ukko.

Staying overnight

  • A double pull-out bed, 2 mattresses, blankets and pillows.

  • Please bring your own linen or a sleeping bag.

  • In the summertime it's recommended to bring a mosquito net with you to quarantee a good night's sleep.


There is a dry toilet near the hut. Please bring your own toilet paper.

Waste disposal

There are no waste containers by the cabin. Visitors are advised to take their accumulated waste with them.

Metsähallitus follows the principles of litter-free hiking. Visitors are adviced to bring their own waste out of the area. Read more about hiking without littering (nationalparks.fi).

Other things to keep in mind

  • There are no accessible services in the hut.

  • Dishwashing liquid, spices, fire-making equipment and toilet paper are not included.

  • Please clean the hut before you leave.


  • Although Finland has a broad network for mobile phones, there are some areas in the park without signal. If this happens try to climb to a higher place or go into an open area. Check the mobile network coverage with your mobile phone operator before your trip.

  • There are fire alarms at wilderness huts, but we recommend to bring a 9 V battery and/or your own travel fire alarm with you.

  • Read more about the area and its current information at Nationalparks.fi.

Hut maintenance

Maintenance and Management: Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland.

More information:

Koli Nature Centre Ukko, ukko(at)retkipaikka.fi, tel. +358 40 773 2442.

If you notice that anything requires maintenance, kindly let us know so that we can react to the needs as quickly as possible.

Invoices, changes and cancellations of hut reservations on weekdays 9 am–3 pm


Hiking information services: Koli Nature Centre Ukko

Ylä-Kolintie 39

83960 Koli



Check additional information and opening hours
Metsähallitus logo


P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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