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Rental hut

Lortikka Rental Hut

Number of beds
20 beds
Size (in square metres)
100 m2
Lortikantie 57, 17800 Kuhmoinen
Euref-Fin (~WGS84) lat: 61° 42.123' lon: 24° 59.523' ETRS-TM35FIN: N: 6842627 E: 393815

Lortikka rental hut (3 rooms and a kitchen) is modest in quality, a fairly original old forest worker's cabin. The cabin is located on a small hill by the Ylinen-Lortikkalampi pond, along the trails of Isojärvi National Park. There is a sauna on the other side of the stream.

The rental hut is an accommodation that is rented entirely for private use.

The cabin is a sight, so hikers may move around the yard.

Map files and brochures
Terms of reservation for huts


This hut can only be rented through the below-mentioned company.

Isojärvi Outdoors (shop.isojarvioutdoors.fi)

Basic details of the destination

Wood-burning baking oven, wood-burning stove
Gas stove
Drinking water
Must be brought yourself, well (only in the summer)
Dry toilet
Staying overnight
Bed, blankets, mattresses, pillows

What's new

Arrival instructions

From Highway 9:

Follow the signs for Isojärvi National Park from the Tampere-Jyväskylä road at Länkipohja for 12 km. Turn left according to the Lortikka sign. Drive 3 km to the cabin's parking area. There is a locked gate on the road, for which renters receive a key.

From Highway 24:

Follow the signs for Isojärvi National Park from the Lahti-Jyväskylä road at Kuhmoinen for 19 km. Turn right according to the Lortikka sign. Drive 3 km to the cabin's parking area. There is a locked gate on the road, for which renters receive a key.

By Public Transport:

The nearest bus stops to the national park are in Länkipohja (14 km) and Kuhmoinen (17 km).

Parking Area to Cabin

The distance from the parking area to the cabin is 340 m. There is a handcart at the cabin to help transport goods.


  • Sauna, dry toilet, shed, fire pit, drilled well, pier

  • The yard is natural and wooded.

  • The cabin is a sight, so hikers may move around the yard.

  • The Jätkän trail and Isojärvi mountain biking route pass between the sauna and the pier.

  • Cabin renters are allowed to set up a tent in the designated area in the yard.


The key is in a key code box on the hut wall. The box is protected with a code. Instructions and the code are sent to you by e-mail after the payment.

Take lock de-icer with you just in case the box's lid is stuck due to frost. Metsähallitus does not have maintenance on site.

Lortikantie is closed with a locked gate. The gate key is in a key box next to the gate. The gate must be kept locked. Do not take the key with you; it is always stored at the gate. The cabin keys are in a key box, which is found in the handcart shed. The key boxes open with a code provided with the reservation.


Heating and lighting

  • The cabin has wood stoves and a wood-burning stove, as well as wood for heating the cabin. Firewood for the cabin can be obtained from the cabin's woodshed. Use firewood sparingly. Please note that heating the cabin takes time.

  • The cabin has no electricity. We recommend a headlamp, which leaves your hands free for cabin chores. For safety reasons, burn candles on a non-flammable surface and supervise them at all times.


The gas and wood-burning stove, tableware, and kitchen utensils are sized for 20 people.

Drinking water

The cabin has no running water.

In 2021, a borehole was completed at Lortikka, but the water does not fully meet the quality requirements for drinking water.

Staying overnight

The beds have mattresses, pillows, and blankets.

Bring your own sheets or sleeping bag, as well as towels.


The sauna is on the other side of the stream, next to the trail, right by the pond.

Firewood for the sauna can be found in the woodshed at the end of the sauna.


There is a dry toilet near the hut. Please bring your own toilet paper.

Waste disposal

Compost, mixed waste, metal, glass, and battery collection.

Other things to keep in mind

  • The cabin does not have accessible services.

  • If the renter leaves the gate open and other drivers access the area, a fee of 100 euros will be charged for reopening the gate.

  • Please clean the cabin before you leave.

  • There may be areas with no mobile phone coverage at the hiking destinations. In such situations, moving to a higher, open area may help. Check the coverage of your mobile network with your operator before heading out.

  • The cabins have smoke detectors, but we recommend bringing a 9V battery and/or your own portable smoke detector.

Hut maintenance

Heretyn kämppäkahvila / Outdoor Empire Oy, erataival@gmail.com, puh. 044 049 5067 / Vesa.

Metsähallitus logo


P.O. Box 80 (Opastinsilta 12 C)

00521 Helsinki



+358 20 69 2424 (Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm)

€0.00/min + local network rate/mobile charge

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